Real time clock (RTC) is an integrated circuit chip that provides precise time for electronic products or electronic systems.
Buffer is a device that buffers, fans out, distributes or multiplexes the input clock signal.
PLL is a feedback control circuit that uses the external input reference signal to control the oscillating signal within the loop and output accurate frequency and phase.
IEEE1588v2 is a protocol standard that provides precise clock synchronization through network measurement and control system, and adopts PTP (Precision Time Protocol). Its accuracy can reach nanosecond level.
All silicon oscillator uses a pure silicon LC oscillator to generate single-ended or differential frequency signals through frequency synthesis and compensation technology without quartz or MEMS devices, providing a circuit reference clock source.
Ethernet PHY chip is the transceiver of Ethernet physical layer, used to modulate and demodulate optoelectronic signals, and synchronize clock information, serving as the data transmission channel for the MAC layer.