DP4000 is a high-performance PTP Grandmaster clock and NTP server, supporting GPS/BeiDou/Galileo/GLONASS, with a lock accuracy of ±20ns and a holdover capability of 1.5μs/24 hours, supporting 512 PTP slave clocks.
IEEE1588v2 (PTP) Grandmaster
NTP server
PRTC/PRC compliant
GPS/Beidou/Galileo/GLONASS supported
Ultra-high performance Local Oscillator
Abundant interface: SFP, ethernet, syncE, 1PPS&TOD (CMCC), 1PPS&10MHz output (BNC), E1, etc.
High performance:
Locked accuracy: ±20ns
Holdover ability: 1.5us over 24 hours (ΔT<15℃)
512 unicast PTP slaves at 32 pps
10000 NTP requests/s
Supports ITU-T profiles and other industry profile
CLI and web management